Six Reasons Why Channel Loyalty Programs Fail

Team BigCity - June 25, 2024

Why do you need this report

Channel loyalty programs are crucial for sales growth, influencing channel partners’ willingness and motivation to sell a brand’s products. However, these programs often fail due to several key factors:

  1. Lack of Commitment: Programs need thorough planning, stakeholder buy-in, extensive promotion, and proper communication. They should focus on long-term commitment and immediate rewards.
  2. Lack of Personalization: Rewards must be customized for different segments within the supply chain (distributors, dealers, etc.) to stay relevant.
  3. Not Setting Measurable Goals: Programs should have clear, measurable goals like increased sales or market share, aligned with channel partners’ goals.
  4. Complex Program Structure: Programs should be easy to join, with clear rewards and attainable points, ensuring smooth engagement.
  5. Not Leveraging Data: Continuous tracking of participation, redemption rates, and sales contributions is essential for uncovering upsell/cross-sell opportunities.
  6. Set-It-and-Forget-It Approach: Programs need ongoing promotion, not just at launch. Engaging third-party agencies can help maintain program momentum.

BigCity offers tailored, engagement-led channel loyalty programs that integrate innovative ideas and technology to drive ROI.
For more information, contact BigCity at

Some astonishing statistics we collated?

80% of distributors say rewards from suppliers influence their purchase decisions (Incentive Research Foundation). 30% market share increase with non-cash reward programs. 81% of top-performing companies use loyalty platforms to incentivize channel partners. 15+ years of BigCity's experience in promotional and loyalty programs.

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